Campus Master Plan Update Home

Listening Sessions Recap

As part of the Beach 2030 Campus Master Plan, standing committees and focus groups were established to drive and inform the planning process. Key to the planning process will be the frequent touch points with these groups. From October 2019 -February 2020, the planning team met with 20+ focus groups to hear about experiences and perceptions of the existing campus, as well as ideas to improve the campus environment over the next decade.

From these multiple sessions,reoccurring conversations have emerged that will inform and drive the planning focus moving forward. An overview of these cross-cutting topics are summarized below:

There is ample opportunity for collaboration, sharing, and joint initiatives.
There is interest in bringing services and amenities to where people are.
There is a real focus on choice, wellness, safety, and experience.
We need more...
We need less...
What physical campus improvements could enhance the student experience?
What physical campus improvements could enhance the workplace experience?
What single physical transformation could become the iconic moment for the campus in the future?
What will CSULB students of the future expect, value, and/or anticipate from the institution’s physical environment?
For each focus group, there were specific topics and points that were key takeaways: