Campus Master Plan Update Home

Vision Statement

Prior to developing a plan for the physical campus there must be a clearly stated vision. The Campus Vision Statement was developed to reflect primary intent and ethos for the physical transformation of the University.

The primary source for the CSULB vision was the extensive process of engagement with the advisory committee and campus community. Working with the Advisory Committee, a series of vision statements were created at the beginning of the planning process and narrowed down through consensus.

The resulting vision statement supports the continued development of the University with a re-energized focus on community, connection, and commitment to the environment. The vision focuses on positioning the University as a leader in academics and innovation within a setting that celebrates and honors the diversity of its students.

Themes, Goals, and Principles

The vision is further translated into goals and principles,organized by high-level themes that informed the development and evaluation of planning concepts and the final site plan.

As the planning team wraps up Listening Sessions with campus stakeholders, a set of Master Plan Themes were created that outline the major and reoccurring topics that we've heard.

These themes and their corresponding goals and principles are representative of the hundreds of voices we've heard since the launch of the process.

THEMES are broad and were defined by reoccurring conversations with campus and community.

GOALS provide a framework for the plan. Many of the goals were predefined by previous documents and others were updated in our process.

PRINCIPLES are specific to CSULB, they define HOW CSULB will achieve the vision. They are a measurable target for success. They provided the steps for identifying the required improvements to the campus environment,facilities, and infrastructure.

Click on each Master Plan Theme below for Goals and Principles.
Campus Identity
Campus Experience
Student-Ready Campus
Equity + Accessibility
Densify + Right-Size Growth
Sustainability + Resiliency

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